this week was fucked up

My school holly shit, idk what is wrong with people tho, like all everyone does is talk mad shit man and im the one who has to pick up the pieces. I wish I could jut go back to the gold old days where nobody noticed me, I was getting good grades, i didn’t have a boyfriend and i didn’t have a friends who absolutely just love drama. Don’t get me wrong thho, i love my boyfriend soooo much you wouldn’t believe it… i just feel like there is certain standers i have to live up to now because im in highschool. This is bullshit!  I remember the days i could care less about what i wanted to wear to school but now i have to do my hair makeup and dress the way he likes it. Im going into grade 11 next year my boyfriend is graduating this year, the only things im going to have at my school next year is a bunch of friends who love drama and my bestfriend that just has to be high at every single moment of the day. I honestly wish i could just go back and stay in grade 4 when no one gives a shit.

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